I en fusion av online och offline blandar ”Deep Fried State” politisk satir med magisk realism i en berättelse om en influencer som bestämmer sig för att bli president. Med sin katt Samsa som trademark tänker hon använda sin reach för att få tillräckligt med röster från sina följare för att vinna det kommande valet. Men vad har hon för löften? Är hon pålitlig eller ljuger hon precis som alla andra? Finns ens sanning, när vi inte förstår vad som är äkta och vad som är fake? ”Deep Fried State” är en surrealistisk utforskning av kraften i sociala mediers inflytande, gränsen mellan autenticitet och bedrägeri i vår hyper-uppkopplade värld, och politisk transformation. Föreställningen är en klubbkonsert, stand-up comedy, teater, videoinstallation, filosofisk debatt och pommes frites som framförs av Saga Björklund Jönsson.

The Mainstream Official har skapat musikdramatiska föreställningar och klubbmusik sedan 2014 och har sin bas i Sverige, Tyskland och Italien. De skapar både egna verk och i samarbete med teaterinstitutioner såsom Teatrul de Nord [RO], Quartieri dell’Arte [IT] och National Theater of Dresden [GE]. “Activists have action and live the life. Theorists have the words and know their stuff. But the joke unites both perspectives. Jokes, when politically effective, perform what everybody knows but can’t say. Now more than ever, it’s time for jokes. We can laugh so loudly at those in power that they fall. We won’t protest in the streets. Fuck that shit. While these striking revolutionary losers spend hours northern-walking through their cities, screaming their punchlines and getting arrested, we keep on enjoying our salted caramel mocha Frappucino, with five pumps of frap roast, one pump of pumpkin syrup, double blended with extra whipped cream, oat cream. Because we know that one simple move like Jagger is enough to change everything: vote for me tomorrow and I’ll fry the deep state.”Text och regi: Nicola BremerMusik: Saga Björklund Jönsson Scenografi och kostym: Steffi Rehberg Videokonst: Wiebke Heeren. I filmerna skådespelar även: Aako Raoofi, Hanna Morau, Hans-Erich Christenson, Leila Aissat, Lisa Bjerhem, Lena Szentesi, Jocko Bjerhem Jönsson, Käthe Leng, Skye Lindahl, Elle Alvaro Bono, Jack White Gårdstedt, Ebba Sundin, Bosse Carlsson, Klubbägaren, Robert Qvist och Sever Altunay. Föreställningen spelas på engelska, och görs mes stöd av Creative Europe och Konstnärsnämnden. ————————-In a fusion of online and offline worlds, ”Deep Fried State” blends political satire with magical realism, telling the journey of a social media influencer who decides to become president. With her cat Samsa as her trademark, she intends to use her reach to get enough votes from her followers in the upcoming elections. However, what does she promise? Is she trustworthy? Or is she lying like everyone else? Today, in a world where it is increasingly difficult to tell what is real and what is fake, can the truth still exist? And can jokes bring down governments? The show captures the current challenges in the world of politics, echoing Kafkaesque undertones, while the audience is led to question the feasibility of an individual effecting genuine systemic change. This makes ”Deep Fried State” a surreal, potent exploration of the power of social media influence, the line between authenticity and deception in our hyper-connected world and political transformation. The show is a wide mix of stand-up comedy, club concert, video installation, theater, philosophical debate and french fries.“Activists have action and live the life. Theorists have the words and know their stuff. But the joke unites both perspectives. Jokes, when politically effective, perform what everybody knows but can’t say. Now more than ever, it’s time for jokes. We can laugh so loudly at those in power that they fall. We won’t protest in the streets. Fuck that shit. While these striking revolutionary losers spend hours northern-walking through their cities, screaming their punchlines and getting arrested, we keep on enjoying our salted caramel mocha Frappucino, with five pumps of frap roast, one pump of pumpkin syrup, double blended with extra whipped cream, oat cream. Because we know that one simple move like Jagger is enough to change everything: vote for me tomorrow and I’ll fry the deep state.”The show is performed in English, and is produced with the financial support of The Swedish Arts Grants Committee and Creative Europe*.